Laurent Cousineau

Articling Student


An Ottawa native and fully bilingual, Laurent is delighted to have the opportunity to develop his skills with the David | Sauvé LLP team during his articling.

Before embarking on his legal path, Laurent was active in the Canadian political scene, having worked in the House of Commons and then in a federal MP’s office on Parliament Hill. He was also Canada’s representative to the Parlement Francophone des Jeunes in Albania.

From the start of his studies in common law at the University of Ottawa, he was involved in student organizations, eventually being elected President of the Regroupement étudiant de common law en français (RÉCLEF) after holding several other positions on the executive board. He was also the French VP of the Sports and Entertainment Law Society (SELS), as well as the student representative on the board of directors of the Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario (AJEFO). Throughout his university studies, Laurent developed an interest in technology law. He completed an internship in this field and also took part in an international academic exchange on global technology law.


Laurent is very passionate about soccer. In addition to being a player and a high-level referee, he is a great supporter of the Canadian national team. He closely followed their qualifying campaign for the 2022 World Cup, traveling across the country to attend games. He even went as far as Costa Rica to watch a game, where the atmosphere was as impressive as it was hostile.


  • Honours BSocSc Political Science and Juris Doctor


  • AJEFO Student Representative


Ready to get started?

Contact Laurent Cousineau